My Family Estate Legal Document Kit
- This easy-to-use kit is designed to take the mystery out of creating the basic documents every family needs.
- Save time and money on research and legal fees.
- Understand what it is you?re paying an attorney to do for you.
- Become familiar with what is required to make more informed decisions.
- Whether you’re working with an attorney or doing it on your own, this self-help kit will help you create a Will, Health Care Proxy, and Legal Power of Attorney.
- Easy fill-in worksheets.
- Perforated forms.
- Clear instructions.
- Glossary of terms.
- 64 pages with tabbed sections.
- Kit measures 8-1/2” wide x 11” high.
Please Note: This product is not a legal document and does not replace a valid will, health care proxy, or power of attorney.