Lamy Fountain Pen Nib – Silver
Fine, medium, broad? Oblique or straight? When it comes to nibs there are a number of choices and with good reason: every person’s handwriting is different! Lamy offers the perfect nib for every style of writing and every preference. Discover how to find the right one for you in our Lamy Guide.
In principle you can combine your favourite Lamy Fountain pen with any Lamy nib to create your perfect writing instrument. The LAMY 2000 is an exception to this rule as it has its own special nib. Please ask your trusted Lamy retailer to swap your nib for you, particularly in the case of sensitive gold or specialist nibs.
Writers with a straight grip will feel particularly at ease with these nibs: straight nibs are available from Lamy in sizes “extra fine” (EF), “fine” (F), “broad” (B) and “extra broad” (BB). Tip: when choosing the correct nib width the important thing is the size of your own handwriting: the smaller your script, the finer the nib should be. A larger script on the other hand will generally look better with a broad nib.
Left Handed Nib
Especially for left-handed writers: the LH nib has the same properties as the M nib – with a small yet significant difference: it is slightly oblique making it ideal for left-handed writers who frequently tilt their hand when writing.